Sunday, 26 October 2014


Today´s news concerns the plan of the Swedish government to stop funding the Mediterranean Institutes at Athens, Rome and Istanbul from 2017 onwards. This budget cut would force all three research Institutes to close down. As you will see, a number of classicists has called attention to the issue and you are asked to sign a petition if you think the institutes´ scientific as well as educational work is worth saving.

See below for further information! Also notice the instructions on how to sign the petition in Swedish.

Dear colleagues,

Yesterday [23.10.14] the Swedish Government announced that they will end all state funding for the Swedish Institutes at Athens, Rome and Istanbul from 2017. Our research Institutes have no private funding and will therefore have to close down and terminate their work within two years.

The decision has been made without any prior consultation or investigation of the consequences: the Institutes will not be able to fulfill their responsibilities of taking care of archaeological material or sites in the Mediterranean and providing education with the fields of Classical Archaeology, Classics, Art History, Architecture and Social sciences, nor to conduct and publish research, give conferences, host cultural activities, take part in heritage management or run our research libraries in the Mediterranean countries.

The decision would be a huge tragedy for Classical research and education in Sweden and we ask you to consider signing the petition against it:

Please enter through "Skriv på listan" (Sign the list)
Add your "förnamn" (name), "efternamn" (surname), emailadress (for verification only), "postort" (city), and "ämne/titel" (title/subject). Press "spara" (save) and sign through the verification email.

Thank you for your support,
Jenni Hjohlman

Monday, 20 October 2014

Franco Montanari elected Treasurer of CIPSH


Dear colleagues,
For your information, Franco Montanari was elected as Treasurer of CIPSH (Conseil International pour la Philosophie et les Sciences Humaines). For those who have forgotten what this stands for, it is a branch of UNESCO in charge of the Humanities; FIEC is one of the Federations affiliated to CIPSH. I take this opportunity to congratulate Franco for his election.
With best wishes to all,
Paul Schubert

Openings - Fellowships

Today´s news contains offers from two Universities, namely the University College Dublin as well as the Trinity College Dublin, to apply for Postdoctoral Fellowships funded by the Irish Research Council. The closing date for all applications is Thursday 27 November 2014. Furthermore, we would like to inform you of Franco Montanari´s election as Treasurer of CIPSH (Conseil International pour la Philosophie et les Sciences Humaines).
See below for further information!


The Irish Research Council has launched the 2015 round of its Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowships for all subject areas. The closing date for applications is Thursday 27 November 2014. Applications must be made in conjunction with a suitably qualified Academic Mentor at an Irish Higher Education Institution or Research Performing Organisation.

Please contact Dr Philip de Souza [ ] as soon as possible if you are interested in applying for a Fellowship through the School of Classics at University College Dublin.

These are the research interests of members of the UCD School of Classics:
Martin Brady: Augustan poetry, esp. Ovid, and the ancient epic tradition.
Joanna Day: Aegean Bronze Age and Classical archaeology, early ceramic technology, iconography, palaeoethnobotany and ancient gardens, eating and drinking in antiquity, sensory and experiential archaeology, ancient perfume.
Helen Dixon: transmission and reception of Latin literature, Latin palaeography, history of classical scholarship.
Aude Doody: Ancient Scientific and Medical Writing, Pliny the Elder, History of Encyclopaedism, Classical Reception, Ancient Technical Writing, Roman Historiography.
Philip de Souza: Greek and Roman political, social and economic history, esp. warfare, piracy and seafaring.
Michael Lloyd: Greek epic and drama; sociolinguistic approaches to Greek literature, esp. politeness theory; Irish versions of Greek tragedy.
Alexander Thein: Roman Archaeology, esp. the topography of the city of Rome; Roman Republican History, esp. the Sullan Dictatorship.
Theresa Urbainczyk: Ancient slavery, late antiquity, Byzantine historiography Further details at:

The fellowship schemes are outlined below. For the full terms and conditions go to:

The Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme provides funding across all disciplines for early-career researchers for periods of between one and two years. These Fellowships can be held for either: one year, in order to prepare a doctoral dissertation for publication through a variety of high quality published outputs e.g. monographs, peer-reviewed articles, edited volumes; or two years, in order to develop either a new research project or a research project that demonstrates a significant development of the subject of the doctorate through a variety of appropriate, feasible and clear published outputs.

These Fellowships are highly competitive and the UCD School of Classics will only support applications that have an excellent chance of success.

To be eligible to apply to the scheme, applicants must have been awarded their doctoral degree within the five-year period from 28th February 2010 to 28th February 2015 (see the terms and conditions for full details).

Applications will only be accepted through the electronic submission system, which will be launched on the IRC website in due course. All electronic applications must be submitted via the e-system following the relevant deadlines: 1. The deadline for applicants to the scheme is exactly 16.00 (GMT) on Thursday 27th  November 2014. 2. The deadline for referees and mentors is exactly 16.00 (GMT) on Thursday 4th December 2014. 3. The closing date for endorsement by the research office of the proposed host institution is exactly 16.00 (GMT) on Thursday 11th December 2014.


The Irish Research Council has launched its 2015 Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, offering funding for 1- and 2-year postdoctoral research projects. For information, see

Ph.D. graduates interested in applying for an IRC Postdoctoral Fellowship through Trinity College Dublin should make contact with their intended Academic Mentor in the Department of Classics as soon as possible, keeping in mind that these applications require a significant amount of preparation and that internal vetting deadlines will fall before the IRC application deadline of 27th November 2014.

For the expertise available in TCD Classics see If you are unsure who to approach, please contact the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning, Dr Martine Cuypers, at
The IRC's postgraduate scheme will be launched in November. For information about last year's scheme, see (fees at EU level, €16k stipend and research expenses for up to 4 years). If you are interested in applying to the IRC for Ph.D. study in Trinity College Dublin, please approach a potential supervisor in the Department of Classics to discuss your project and preparation.
For the range of postgraduate projects currently and recently supervised, see and For information about our Ph.D. programme, see www.histories-

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Today's news - job openings and call for paper

Today’s news includes the possibility to apply for a fellowship at the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program at the University of Cincinnati, deadline January 15th, 2015, and the possibility to apply for a PhD or postdoc position at OIKOS, the National Research School in Classical Studies in the Netherlands, deadline end of October 2014.
Our colleagues in Gothenburg have issued a call for papers for a conference on healthcare in Antiquity, in May next year. Deadline October 31st 2014.

See below for further information!

Department of Classics


The University of Cincinnati Classics Department is pleased to announce the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program.  Tytus Fellows, in the fields of philology, history and archaeology  will ordinarily  be at least 5 years beyond receipt of the Ph. D. Apart from residence in Cincinnati during term, the only obligation of Tytus Fellows is to pursue their own research.   Fellowships are tenable  during the regular academic year (September to April).

There are two categories of Tytus Fellowships,  long-term and short-term.
Long Term Fellows will come to Cincinnati for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of two during the regular academic year.  They will receive  a monthly stipend of $1500 plus housing and a transportation allowance of $1500.
Short  Term Fellows will come to Cincinnati for a  minimum of one month and a maximum of two  months during the regular academic year.  They will also receive a monthly stipend of $1500 plus  housing  and a transportation allowance of $1500.
Both Long Term and Short  Term Fellows  will also receive office space and enjoy the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries.  While at Cincinnati Tytus Fellows will be free to pursue their own research.

The University of Cincinnati Burnam Classics Library is one of the world's premier collections in the field of Classical Studies (  Comprising  270,000 volumes, the library covers all aspects of the Classics: the languages and literatures, history, civilization, art, and archaeology.  Of special value for scholars is both the richness of the collection and its accessibility -- almost any avenue of research in the classics can be pursued deeply and broadly under a single roof.  The unusually comprehensive core collection, which is maintained by three professional classicist librarians, is augmented by several special collections such as 15,000 nineteenth century German Programmschriften, extensive holdings in Palaeography,   Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.   At neighboring Hebrew Union College, the Klau  Library, with holdings  in excess of 470,000 volumes, is rich in Judaica  and Near Eastern Studies.

Application Deadline:  January  15.

A description of the Tytus Program and an application form is available online at Questions can be directed to Prof. Getzel M. Cohen (

Anchoring Innovation is the new research agenda of OIKOS, the National Research School in Classical Studies in the Netherlands. This agenda was developed with the financial support of Leiden University, Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Amsterdam and University of Groningen. It looks at innovation processes in various domains, including politics, religion, architecture, literature, linguistics and technology, in classical antiquity. The concept of “anchoring” refers to the many different ways in which people connect new developments and initiatives in these domains with the old, the familiar and traditional. Discourse-cohesion, intertextuality, memory studies, architectural transitions can be considered examples of ‘anchoring innovation’. To help us implement this research agenda we are currently looking for 4 PhD students and 4 postdocs:

Radboud University Nijmegen
1 PhD candidate Greek / Latin
1 PhD candidate Ancient History / Classical Archaeology
1 Postdoc Latin, 1.0 fte, 3 years
1 Postdoc Roman Archaeology, 1.0 fte, 3 years

University of Groningen
1 Postdoc Greek / Latin, 1.0 fte, 3 years
1 Postdoc Ancient History, 1.0 fte, 3 years

Leiden University
1 PhD candidate Latin

University of Amsterdam
1 PhD candidate Greek

For a full description of the inidividual projects and their requirements, see The deadline for submission of application to most of these projects is end of October, 2014.

Conference on Healthcare in Antiquity, May 2015 - call for papers

Healthcare: Supply and Demand in Prehistory and History

Gothenburg, 6-8 May, 2015


We invite colleagues to submit papers for an international interdisciplinary conference on the practice of medicine in the past, organised by the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Gothenburg.
Topic may include, but are not limited to, the definition of physical and mental health and disease, the impact of class and/or gender on healthcare, the spread of epidemics and countermeasures, physicians and patients, power relations between practitioners or between practitioners and patients. Papers that deal with archaeological, osteological, and iconographical evidence are as welcome as those that rely on textual sources. Our timeframe spans from the Palaeolithic to the recent past.
Confirmed keynote speakers include Helen King (Open University), Charlotte Roberts (University of Durham), Lucinda McCray (Appalachian State University), and Julie Laskaris (University of Richmond).
The deadline for abstracts (max. 300 words) is 31 October, 2014. Abstracts should be sent to: Linnea Åshede (
Notice of acceptance will be sent out before 15 November.

For further information contact: Maria Sjöberg ( or Helène Whittaker ( See also:

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Greek, Latin, Ancient History and Classical and Roman Archaeology - 4PhD and 4Postdoc Positions in the Netherland​s

OIKOS, the National Research School in Classical Studies in the Netherlands, is currently advertising for 4 PhD and 4 Postdoc positions to help implement its new research agenda Anchoring Innovation. This agenda was developed with the financial support of Leiden University,  Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Amsterdam and University of Groningen. It looks at innovation processes in various domains, including politics, religion, architecture, literature, linguistics and technology, in classical antiquity. The concept of “anchoring” refers to the many different ways in which people connect new developments and initiatives in these domains with the old, the familiar and traditional. Discourse-cohesion, intertextuality, memory studies, architectural transitions can be considered examples of ‘anchoring innovation’. The following positions are currently available:
Radboud University Nijmegen
1 PhD candidate Greek / Latin
1 PhD candidate Ancient History / Classical Archaeology
1 Postdoc  Latin, 1.0 fte, 3 years
1 Postdoc Roman Archaeology, 1.0 fte, 3 years
University of Groningen
1 Postdoc Greek / Latin, 1.0 fte, 3 years
1 Postdoc Ancient History, 1.0 fte, 3 years
Leiden University
1 PhD candidate Latin
University of Amsterdam
1 PhD candidate Greek
For a full description of the inidividual projects and their requirements, see The deadline for submission of application to most of these projects is end of October, 2014.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Postdoctoral fellowship, publishing, and a last-minute conference

Today’s news is an announcement of postdoctoral fellowships at the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton; a presentation of a new monograph series; and a last-minute invitation to join a conference in Finland. Let us start with the postdoctoral fellowships:
Dear colleagues,
Please help us circulate - and kindly bring to the attention of qualified candidates - the announcement of our postdoctoral research fellowships, 2015-16:
Almost one hundred (100) early-career scholars have been supported by our postdoctoral fellowships since the inception of this program in academic year 1992-93.  The overwhelming majority of our postdoctoral fellows have gone on to successful academic careers around the world.  
 Current and former recipients are listed in:
 Publications by former Hellenic Studies postdoctoral fellows, based on their research at Princeton:
 Many thanks in advance,
 Dimitri Gondicas
There is still a possibility to join the XXIII Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity
Tvärminne, Finland, 17–18 October 2014.
See the information below:
Conflict in Late Antiquity The XXIII Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity takes place on 17–18 October 2014. The theme of the symposium is “Conflict in Late Antiquity”. Our keynote speakers are Hagith Sivan (Department of History, University of Kansas), Petri Luomanen (Biblical Studies, University of Helsinki), Lucy Grig (School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh) and Antti Lampinen (Classics, University of Turku). Conflict will be approached from a wide perspective, including different types and levels of conflict and attempts at solving them. Points of view vary from political and military to cultural and religious conflicts between and within traditions. Please refer to the programme attached. 
Registration for the conference starts on September 1, 2014. In order to register as a participant for the seminar, please send an email to Ulla Tervahauta, ulla.tervahauta(at) Upon applying for participation, you are kindly asked to provide your contact information as well as to inform us about special diets etc. Please also mention if you do NOT need the coach transportation from Helsinki. The symposium will be organized in the premises of a zoological research station operated by the University of Helsinki at a beautiful location in Tvärminne on the southern coast of Finland ( The symposium is organised by an interdisciplinary organizing committee (see below) and funded by the Academy of Finland‘s Centre of Excellence “Reason and Religious Recognition”, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, and Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki. The seminar is free. We will offer transportation from Helsinki to Tvärminne and back, as well as accommodation in a shared room (2 persons), and meals in Tvärminne, but we are not able to cover the costs for travelling to or from Helsinki, or accommodation in Helsinki.
The organizing committee
- Maijastina Kahlos, PhD, Classics / “Reason and Religious Recognition”, University of Helsinki (
- Ulla Tervahauta ThD, Biblical Studies, University of Helsinki
- Ville Vuolanto, PhD, History, University of Tampere / University of Oslo (

And now for the monograph series: Danuta Schanzer has signed on as editor of a new series, "Society, Culture, and Text in Late Antiquity," published by Palgrave Macmillan. See the following invitation to publish in this series: 

Publishing with Palgrave Macmillan

Dear Friends,
Please forgive the (sort of) circular! I have signed on
as the editor of a new monograph series, "Society,
Culture, and Text in Late Antiquity," published by
Palgrave Macmillan. I am writing to let you know about
the series, and to invite you to consider publishing in
Over the last thirty years Late Antiquity has become a
hot field as opposed to the “What?-field” it used to be.
Medievalists have always welcomed Late Antiques (witness
the burgeoning Late Antique program at Kalamazoo and at
Leeds) and now even the border to the Classical world is
increasingly passable (witness developments at the more
conservative APA). There is a tremendous amount going on
in our area all over the world. But there are still not
enough venues for English language publications in Late
Antiquity and particularly for ones that are not
primarily historical. I am hoping that this new series
may open up new possibilities for our inclusive “Long
Late Antiquity,” running from the 2nd century CE down to
the 7th century CE (100-700 CE).
This series is intended to be variegated in nature and
will address an intended audience of classicists,
medievalists, and some general readers, as well as
specialists on Late Antiquity. The disciplinary purview
will likewise be broad and will include literature,
history, religion, philosophy, material culture
(archaeology and art history), as well as history of
scholarship. Interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary
approaches will be particularly welcome. Monographs are
likely to predominate, but edited collections will find a
place as well as the occasional translation or hard-toclassify
Manuscripts should be learned, original, lively,
passionate, fresh-voiced, incisive, and, ideally interor
multi-disciplinary. The recondite is by no means ruled
out, but this is not the series for fundamental
contributions to technical scholarship or for the average
revised dissertation. The authors should have an ear for
tradition and for quality as well as something new to
say. Contributions that know how to tell a tale
effectively and make primary sources come alive are
particularly welcome. Books in this series should, as
appropriate, speak to the imagination too. The quirky or
offbeat can be delightful, and, in its place, the
personal. The purely gimmicky, however, is another
matter. Readability is desirable; surfeits of post-modern
jargon not so.
By providing a new and serious venue for cutting-edge
readable research, we hope that this monograph series may
help to shape and expand our field. In addition to the
openness to new scholarship described above, "Society,
Culture, and Text in Late Antiquity" should appeal to
scholars for several other reasons. At a time when many
academic presses are cutting or eliminating their lists
in the humanities, Palgrave Macmillan is unusual in
making a new (and double) major financial and
intellectual commitment to our field. (In addition to
"Society, Culture, and Text in Late Antiquity," it is
also inaugurating a monograph series on "The New
Antiquity," edited by Matthew Santirocco).
Our flier can be downloaded at:
Volumes in the series will be published in hardback
format and will regularly be between 70,000 and 100,000
words in length. Authors with original MSS that fall in
between an article and a monograph in length (25,000-
50,000 words) should consider publishing in Palgrave’s
innovative new venue, Palgrave Pivot under the auspices
of the Late Antique Series:
In addition, Palgrave's author services are outstanding:
the referee process is expeditious, and, once a
manuscript has been accepted, the time from its delivery
to actual publication is six months. Palgrave still
provides its authors with copyediting, and produces
beautiful volumes, both in terms of design and also the
accuracy of copyediting and proofreading (I speak as a
recent Palgrave contributor). You are very probably
familiar with Palgrave’s “The New Middle Ages,” edited by
Bonnie Wheeler: Our
books will be similarly produced. Finally, as one of the
world's largest and most respected academic publishers,
Palgrave has unparalleled global reach. Thus, books in
this series will be priced competitively, brought out
simultaneously in both print and e-book format, promoted
aggressively online, in print, and at professional
meetings, and marketed effectively around the world.
Once the initial print run is sold out, books will remain
available through print-on-demand and, when warranted,
through second editions. I would be delighted if you
would let me know whether you have a manuscript for which
our series might be appropriate. Please do inform your
colleagues of this publishing opportunity and above all
suggest to me the names of some of them whose work might
find a good home here. I am, of course, also available to
discuss possible projects by email
( or Skype (allowing for
time-zones!); please don't hesitate to be in touch with
me directly.
With warm regards,
