Friday 16 February 2018


We are delighted to announce that the 15th International FIEC Congress will be held in London, 4-8 July, 2019, hosted by the Classical Association, the Hellenic Society and the Roman Society, in collaboration with the Institute of Classical Studies, London, UCL, KCL, Birkbeck College, Royal Holloway University of London and Roehampton University.

Please follow this link for further information. 


Please note that the University of Perugia will host the conference entitled "La geografia storica dell’Asia Minore" on 23 February 2018.

You may follow this link to read the full programme.

Sunday 4 February 2018


Please read the following announcement issued by the Festival Européen Latin Grec:

"Dear friends of Classics,

A few months ago the Festival Européen Latin Grec staged the first international participative reading of the Odyssey : on March 24th  2017 more than 5000 persons read one of the 24 books of Homer’s epic into 50 languages … in 27 countries ! Please click here to get a taste of it :

We look forward to having you as a contributor of the next event that will take place on March 23rd  2018 at 10 A.M. (Paris time) : on this special day Ovid’s Metamorphoses will be read in public at the same time all over the world !

If you are a teacher, a student, a bookseller, a librarian, a theatre-goer … or if you are simply convinced of the necessity to nurture the Humanities, please join us and share a few pages of Antiquity : all you need to do is to read aloud for one hour and let your audience discover the adventures of Daphne, Narcissus, Arachne, … or whoever you want !

To participate, you just have to organize a group of readers and choose a public space so that people can hear the reading of a complete book from Ovid’s Metamorphoses (or some extracts)  in the language of your choosing. And don’t forget to make sure your phone or camera is fully charged in order to make a great video of your performance !

Best wishes from the Festival Européen Latin Grec team !

Please become a follower of the festival on Facebook !


We would like to inform you about the Eight International Colloqium organized by the Centro de Estudios Helénicos, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. The conference entitled “Cartographies of the Self: Strategies of its Textualization in the Ancient World” will take take place in La Plate, 26-29 June 2018.

Please note that the dealine for the submission of abstracts and proposals is 30 March 2018. Following this link, you will get all the relevant information. 

Friday 2 February 2018


We would like to forward to you the following Call for Papers, issued by CAMWS (the Classical Association of the Middle West and South). Please note that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is June 4, 2018.

The 96th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South – Southern Section will be held Thursday-Saturday, October 18-20, 2018 in Wake Forest, NC at the Hawthorne Inn and Conference Centerr, at the invitation of Wake Forest University. Proposals for workshops/panels and individual papers on any aspect of Graeco-Roman antiquity are now being accepted. Especially welcome are submissions likely to be of broad interest, including those concerned with pedagogy. Panels/workshops, especially those on pedagogical and performative topics, are especially welcome. Teachers and students at any level of instruction (K-12, college, or university) may submit proposals.
All proposals for workshops/panels and individual papers must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 4, 2018. All proposals for panels, workshops and individual papers will be judged anonymously by the Program Committee, chaired by CAMWS-SS Secretary-Treasurer T. Davina McClain.
An individual may deliver no more than one paper at the meeting and may submit no more than one abstract. A person is free to organize a panel in addition to presenting a paper (whether in his/her own panel or in another session). Anyone presenting on a panel or submitting a proposal for an individual paper at CAMWS-SS 2018 cannot also be a presenter in a panel/workshop.
All abstracts must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. Indent first lines of paragraphs, set a 1-inch margin on all sides, and center the title at the top of the page. Enter any non-Roman text using Unicode. Use abbreviated (author-date) citations; at the end of each abstract or panel description provide a list of works cited. The combined length of the abstract (or panel/workshop description) and its list of works cited must not exceed 800 words. Abstracts for workshops should describe the general goals of the workshop, the roles played by each presenter and expectations of the audience. Authors of abstracts and organizers of panels are not to be identified by name anywhere in their proposals.
The maximum time allotted for an individual paper is 15 minutes. A workshop can be either sixty or ninety minutes in length. Requests for audio-visual equipment must be made at the time the abstract is submitted. Because LCD projectors are expensive to rent, please request them only when absolutely necessary. Individuals must provide their own laptop computers and adapter cables. Access to the internet IS AVAILABLE in the meeting rooms of the hotel, but backups on flashdrives/harddrives are recommend.
Please submit all proposals electronically at  for individual papers and for workshop proposals at  If, for some reason, electronic submission is not possible, please contact the CAMWS office at
All presenters and organizers are required to be members of CAMWS at the time they submit their abstracts. Membership dues may be paid at by credit card (with a processing fee) or by mailing a check along with a membership form to CAMWS, Department of Classics, Monmouth College, 700 E. Broadway, Monmouth, IL 61462 (office 309-457-2284; fax 815-346-2565; Please keep in mind that submission of an abstract is a commitment to present the paper in person.
RECEIPT DEADLINES: Monday, June 4, 2018 (panels and individuals)."