Wednesday 18 December 2013

Dear Classics colleagues over the world,

Today I have the pleasure of informing you about two conferences, one in Mexico and one in Malta, in 2014. Please follow the links for further information. We have also received information from the Spanish Coptic language and culture group, who have opened a new website.

For those who aspire for an academic future it might be of interest to know that the University of Uppsala announces a PhD position in ancient or Byzantine Greek, see here

New website for the Aula Coptica Barcinonensis

ear colleague, 
We would like to inform you that Aula Coptica Barcinonensis, the Spanish Coptic language and culture study group, is inviting you to take a look at the new website we have created (, which is intended to disseminate Coptic-related contents, via the Internet. Although it has been conceived for a Spanish-speaking target, we also include international aspects, such as forthcoming congresses, seminars, courses, recent publications, etc. Hence, if you wish to achieve the best possible exposure for what you are doing in our community (particularly new or forthcoming publications, courses or projects you are working on), please let us know, as we will be delighted to include it on this new website.
You can also follow us on Facebook (, where we will also be publishing current news related to the Coptic world. If you are on Facebook or belong to a group, please send us a request so that we can add you.
Yours sincerely,

Alberto J. Quevedo

4th International Conference on Classical Studies in Mexico on 20th to 24th October 2014


The Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute for Philological Research (IIFL), and the Classics Programme at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (FFyL) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) cordially invite all professors, PhD students and qualified scholars in Classical Studies and the Classical Tradition to participate in the 4th International Conference on Classical Studies in Mexico. The event will be held at the main University campus in Mexico City. The purpose of this Conference is to study the Greek and Roman cultures and their legacy within the Western civilization.

Proposals on any of the following themes are welcome:     
1)      Philology and Linguistics
2)      Literature
3)      Myth and Religion
4)      Scientific Principles and Methods
5)      Classical Studies in the Social Sciences
6)      Classical Studies in the Arts

Within the framework of the Conference five colloquies will take place:
1)      Classical Theater
2)      Ancient Philosophy
3)      Rhetoric and Poetics
4)      Law in the Ancient World
5)      Teaching of Classical Humanities

Participation in the Conference will comprise keynote lectures, plenary sessions and panels on specific themes. The latter will be programmed according to the submitted proposals, which will abide by the following guidelines:

1)      Papers may be individual or collaborative.  
2)      Papers should contain original and unpublished material in any of the following languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese or German.
3)      The title and the abstract of the papers must be sent by e-mail ( in the language in which the paper will be delivered. The expected abstract length is from 250 to 300 words. Proposals must be submitted in Word format as a .doc document, written in font Times New Roman 12 pt. (for Greek text please use a UNICODE font) and must contain the contributor’s name, institutional address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address.
4)      The allotted time for each paper is 20 min. No exceptions.
5)      The deadline for submission of abstracts is 30th April, 2014.
6)      The Organizing Committee will acknowledge receipt of all proposals.
7)      Contributors whose abstracts have been accepted will be notified by e-mail no later than 31st July, 2014.
8)      The registration fee will be $ 200.00 US Dollars.
9)      Attendance to all sessions will be free. With exemption to UNAM matriculated students, those who may require an attendance certificate will be required to pay $20.00 US Dollars.

All accepted lectures and papers may be included in any of the publications of the Institute for Philological Research, subject to previous approval of the Conference Editorial Board.

Unexpected issues will be taken care of, on a case by case basis, by the Organizing Committee.

Additional information about the Conference will be provided through the Institute for Philological Research’s web page (

Organizing Committee

Dra. Aurelia Vargas Valencia, Directora del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas
Dra. Gloria Villegas Moreno, Directora de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Dra. Martha E. Montemayor Aceves, Coordinadora, Centro de Estudios Clásicos, IIFL
Mtra. Patricia Villaseñor Cuspinera, Coordinadora, Colegio de Letras Clásicas, FFyL
Dr. David García Pérez, Centro de Estudios Clásicos, IIFL
Dr. Germán Viveros Maldonado, Centro de Estudios Clásicos, IIFL
Mtro. José David Becerra Islas, Colegio de Letras Clásicas, FFyL
Dra. Carolina Ponce Hernández, Colegio de Letras Clásicas, FFyL
Dr. Omar Álvarez Salas, Presidente, Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Clásicos, AMEC

Centro de Estudios Clásicos
Circuito Mario de la Cueva, Ciudad Universitaria
Delegación Coyoacán, 04510  México, D.F.
Tel./Fax: (+52) (55) 5622-7488
 Correo electrónico:

International conference 'Abhinc Annos Quinque et Viginti' on the 11th and the 12th of December 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of the Malta Classics Association and the Department of Classics and Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta, I would like to invite you to the international conference 'Abhinc Annos Quinque et Viginti'. Said conference will be held on the 11th and the 12th of December 2014 at the University of Malta Valletta Campus.

For more details and to register online kindly visit here.

Do not hesitate to contact me should you require additional information or assistance.

With thanks and best regards,

Veronica Barbara
Conference & Facilities Unit
University of Malta - Valletta Campus

Thursday 12 December 2013

Welcome to the FIEC blog!

On this page, we will present information of different kinds on what goes on in the classical world. Please feel free to send information about congresses, conferences, job advertisements, anything that you want to spread to fellow classicists around the world, and we will do our best to update the information on this page. Please send your information via

Today we can present an announcement  from the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, and its graduate school for ancient studies. The Graduate School invites applications for 10 doctoral positions, starting date as of 1 April 2014. For more Information, click here.