Tuesday, 17 May 2016


This week we would like to forward to you the most recent information on the project called “Epic Poetry Network”, which promises to facilitate research as well as international collaboration in the field of Graeco-Roman epic poetry. Since the benefits that accrue from such a network heavily rely on the contributions made by its members, we invite anyone working in the area of epic poetry to have a close look at its manifold functions and its considerable potential. Please read the full description below:

“The Epic Poetry Network (EPN) is an international network of research and teaching of Graeco-Roman epic poetry. It was founded in 2016 by Simone Finkmann and Christiane Reitz to bring together scholars working on epic poetry from Homer to Neo-Latin epic, to facilitate the exchange of information and collaborations between experts in this field and to encourage diachronic intertextual research.

The EPN hosts a subscribers list (mailinglist@epic-poetry-network.com) that allows members to circulate important information relating to Graeco-Roman epic poetry (from early Greek epic to Neo-Latin epic) such as calls for papers, new research projects, book and journal publications, research collaborations, as well as upcoming conferences, seminars, and workshops on epic poetry.

The website provides an overview of the latest developments in the different areas of teaching and research on Graeco-Roman epic (www.epic-poetry-network.com/news-and-announcements) and a list of recent publications (www.epic-poetry-network.com/recent-publications) as well as of current and upcoming projects (www.epic-poetry-network.com/research-projects).

Members can introduce their new projects (projects@epic-poetry-network.com) and keep the EPN list members and the public informed about their latest work (publications@epic-poetry-network.com).

  • Simone Finkmann (University of Rostock)
  • Christiane Reitz (University of Rostock)
  • Irene de Jong (University of Amsterdam)
  • William Dominik (University of Otago / Federal University of Bahia)
  • Sylvie Franchet d'Espèrey (Paris-Sorbonne University)
  • Marco Fucecchi (University of Udine)
  • Philip Hardie (University of Cambridge)
  • Stephen Harrison (University of Oxford)
  • Alison Keith (University of Toronto)
  • Helen Lovatt (University of Nottingham)
  • Damien Nelis (University of Geneva)
  • Florian Schaffenrath (University of Innsbruck)


Please note that the easiest way to register and to contribute to the network is to visit our website and use one of the online registration forms: http://www.epic-poetry-network.com/online-registration.
Alternatively, you can send us an email to one of the following e-mail addresses *(*these are not links, but simple e-mail addresses, no log-in required):

To register for the EPN subscribers list, please email: registration@epic-poetry-network.com
To register new publications, please email: publications@epic-poetry-network.com  
To make an announcement on the EPN website, please email: mailinglist@epic-poetry-network.com
To register a new project, please email the following information to projects@epic-poetry-network.com
  • Name
  • E-Mail
  • University Affiliation
  • Link
  • Collaborators
  • Project Title:
  • Status: a) Doctoral Candidate, b) Early Career Researcher, c) Senior Researcher
  • Brief Project Description +
For more information, please visit:    www.epic-poetry-network.com

Epic Poetry Network (EPN)
Dr Simone Finkmann
Tel. +49 (0)381 498-2779
Professor Christiane Reitz
Tel. +49 (0)381 498-2781

Monday, 2 May 2016


We would like to make you aware of the fact that the teaching of Latin and Italian are under threat of being discontinued at the University of Jyväskylä. Please read the following information by Dr Alexandra Grigorieva and consider signing both petitions:


“Dear Colleagues,

 Please help Finnish classicists to save teaching of Latin and teaching of Italian at the University of Jyväskylä. Both subjects are being abolished from the university curriculum altogether.
There IS a small chance it might be reconsidered if our protest is large and international enough. We have a reassuring precedent; a Danish University has recently reversed the decision to remove Greek from the curriculum thanks to the loud international outrage [cf. our blog]. Finnish university bureaucracy might be sensitive about such kind of public outcry as well.

Please sign for Latin

And although it's a classicist mailing list I hope you could sign for Italian as well

 As a foreign researcher based in Helsinki I admire Finnish university Classical traditions immensely and seeing them being ruined is not a thing I can contemplate with equanimity. Incidentally, Jyväskylä was named 'Athens of Finland' thanks to its commitment to education back in the 19th century when such things mattered.
Thank you so much for your support.”

AIEP EVENTS 2016-2017

Today we would like to let you know about a number of events that will be organized in the near future by AIEP, l’Association Internationale d’Études Patristiques (i.e. IAPS International Association of Patristic Studies). For more information, please visit http://www.aiep-iaps.org/:

18–20 July 2016

The International Workshop ‘Corpus Dionysiacum Areopagiticum’ will be held at St. Cross College, Oxford UK in July 2016. To register for the conference, contact: areopagite2016@gmail.com . For enquiries: dimitrios.pallis@stx.ox.ac.uk.

5-7 September 2016

The Sixth British Patristics Conference will be held at the University of Birmingham from Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th September 2016. Proposals are invited for papers on any aspect of patristic study. We are particularly keen to receive contributions on the reception of Pauline literature or commentaries more generally. As in previous years, we expect to organise two or three thematic sessions running in parallel. Proposals should be submitted with an abstract of up to 250 words through the conference website by 30th April 2016. The website, with all details and forms, is available at: http://tinyurl.com/patristics2016.

9-11 September 2016

The Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society invites proposals for papers to be delivered at its tenth annual conference to be held at State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), St Petersburg, Russia, from Friday morning, 9 September to Sunday afternoon, 11 September, 2016, convened by Basil Lourié. Papers are 30 minutes in duration (20 minutes delivery and 10 minutes for discussion). The Society welcomes all proposals that explore any theme relevant to the early Christian world from the New Testament to the end of Late Antiquity, and especially those that focus on this year’s theme: Survival of Early Christian Traditions. A 100-word abstract should be sent by 30 April, 2016 to Dr. Geoffrey D. Dunn (geoffrey.dunn@acu.edu.au). For more information, click here.

19-21 September 2016

The Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies in the University of South Africa, Pretoria, will host the Eighth UNISA Symposium of New Testament and Early Christian Studies on 19-21 September 2016 on the theme: 'Where do we stand on the supernatural? An interdisciplinary exploration'. Please submit a title and abstract of 250 words before 15 July 2016 at craffpf@unisa.ac.za or pfcraffert@gmail.com. For more information, click here.

23-24 September 2016

St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College's 2016 Patristic Symposium (Sydney, Australia) will focus on the personality and contributions of Saint John Chrysostom. The deadline for proposals is May 2016. For information, go to:  http://www.sagotc.edu.au/patristic-symposia.

14–16 October 2016

The 41st International Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies (PMR) Conference, with the plenary theme: ‘A Matter of Devotion: Matter and Spirit in Theory and Practice', will be held at Villanova University in October 2016. For information, go to: http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/mission/augustinianinstitute/conferences/pmr.html. The deadline for proposals is 1 July 2016.

7-9 November 2016

KULeuven is hosting a conference on John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala: Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians in Leuven on 7-9 November 2016. Proposals (between 250 and 500 words) for lectures of 30 minutes should be sent to the organisers by 30 April 2016. For more information, click here.

28-31 March 2017

The Catholic University of Cuyo has the honor of informing you about the upcoming Second International Conference on Patristic Studies "The Discoveries of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity: Their Impact on Patristic Studies and the Contemporary World” and about the First Meeting on Patristic Studies in Ibero-America: “Research Projects, Translations and Critical Editions.” These events will take place in the city of San Juan (Argentina) from March 28th to March 31st 2017. We invite proposals for papers and workshops related to the conference topic areas. Please submit a title and abstract of 250 words before 30 September 2016 to info@congresodemanuscrito.com

For more information, click here.

25-29 June 2017

The next Origeniana will take place at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, on 25-29 June 2017. The theme of the conference will be: Origen's Legacy in the Holy Land–A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem. Submission of abstracts will begin 1 January 2017 and will end 28 February 2017. For information, click here.

22-24 September 2017

The second triennial international conference ‘The Early Christian Centuries’ (formerly ‘Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church’) will be held at Australian Catholic University’s Leadership Centre, Brisbane, Australia, from Friday, 22 September to Sunday 24 September, 2017. This conference will also be the eleventh conference of the Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society. The theme for the 2017 conference is ‘Responses to Conflict in Early Christianity.’ For more information, click here.


Furthermore, we would like to make you aware of the fact that the Accademia Vivarium Novum invites applications for its competition called “Latin, Greek and Humanities in Rome”. Please read the full announcement below:

“The Academy Vivarium Novum is offering ten full tuition scholarships for high school students (16-18 years old) and twenty-eight full tuition scholarships for University students (18-24 years old) of any part of the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room, board, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from October 2016 until June 2017 on the grounds of the Academy’s campus at Rome.

Application letters must be sent to 
candidati@vivariumnovum.net by May 31. We however advise to send the applications as soon as possible. The selection process will come to an end within August.

The courses will be as follows:
- Latin language (fundamental and advanced)
- Greek language (fundamental and advanced)
- Latin composition
- Roman History
- Ancient Latin literature
- History of ancient Philosophy
- Renaissance and Neo-Latin literature
- Latin and Greek music and poetry
- Classics reading seminars

The goal is to achieve a perfect command of both Latin and Greek through a total immersion in the two languages in order to master without any hindrances the texts and concepts which have been handed down from the ancient times, middle ages, the Renaissance period and modern era, and to cultivate the humanities in a manner similar to the Renaissance humanists.

All the classes will be conducted in Latin, except for Greek classes which will be conducted in ancient Greek.

In order to submit your application, you must send a motivation letter. On it you should introduce yourself in a detailed manner and explain why you would like to participate in our program. Besides this, the letter should contain the following information:

1. Full name;

2. Date and location of birth;

3. What school you currently attend;
4. How long you have studied Latin and/or Greek;

5. Which authors and works you have read;

6. Other studies and primary interests outside of school.

In addition, please attach a recent photograph and a copy of your passport or your ID card.

(For more information about the Academy, you may visit the website 
www.vivariumnovum.net or read the presentation: www.vivariumnovum.net/presentation)”