Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Support papyri.info

Having already raised $162,523 in a mere six months, papyri.info is on its way to become self-sustainable! However, we still need your support to secure its future! Please spread the word!

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Call for Applications: Scholarship for Doctoral Studies

The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering one doctoral scholarship to complete a doctorate within the “Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science” program at the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS)

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Free access to online libraries

This might come as a relief to many scholars and students around the world who are obliged to work from home these days: Many published decided to offer during the coronavirus outbreak free online access to support universities, teachers, and their students. Here is a list (please feel free to add):

Internet Archive Books to Borrow: https://archive.org/details/inlibrary?tab=about
Cambridge University Press: https://www.cambridge.org/about-us/covid-19/
Institute of Classical Studies (lista di open-access Classics resources): https://library.ics.sas.ac.uk/open-access-resources
JSTOR (allargamento fino al 30 giugno dei contenuti accessibili): https://about.jstor.org/covid19/
Biblioteca Digitale di Etruscologia e Archeologia Italica: https://m.facebook.com/groups/528495964473828?tsid=0.8813990960143433&source=result
Society for Classical Studies (strumenti didattici): https://classicalstudies.org/a…/so-you-have-teach-online-now
EBSCO – Open Educational Resources (OER): https://more.ebsco.com/Faculty-Select-COVID-19-LP.html
University of California Press: https://www.ucpress.edu/journals
University of Michigan Press: https://www.fulcrum.org
Ohio State University Press: https://kb.osu.edu/handle/1811/131

Take care and stay safe!

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Call for Papers from the SCS

Call for Papers from the Society for Classical Studies! Patrice Rankine and Sasha-Mae Eccleston will serve as guest editors of a future issue of TAPA on the topic "Race and Racism. Beyond the Spectacular". Please find a detailed call for papers here:


Monday, 9 March 2020

Conference on "Augustine and the Humanists" in the heart of Rome

For those in Rome from May 6th-8th and those who want to visit, do not miss out on the conference about "Augustine and the Humanists. Reading De Civitate Dei in Italy between the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth Century" hosted by KU Leuven at the Academia Belgica, the Accademia di Danimarca and the Biblioteca Angelica.


Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Proposal to abolish Latin in New Zealand

The Ministry of Education in New Zealand has suggested scrapping the teaching of Classics and Latin at all levels of the country's official secondary school/high school qualification. Please help reminding people as well as government authorities of the importance of Classics and ancient languages by stating your opinion as to why its teaching matters:

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Horizon Europe-Petition

The Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE), supported by the EASSH, has launched a campaign to ask governments of Member States to invest more in Education, Research, and Innovation. 
With tomorrows EU Council meeting the budget discussion regarding the next 7-year framework program (Horizon Europe) is coming to a close. Unfortunately, a much lower investment than hoped for looks highly probable. The initial allocation of 120B EUR is about to be reduced to only 80B EUR. Therefore, in order to avoid that the contribution to Research and Education will shrink to merely 1% of the Gross National Income of EU Member States, they call for your support!
Find the petition here: https://initiative-se.eu/he-petition/
And please consider sharing it to your contacts!