Friday, 28 September 2018


We are very pleased to announce the launch of the conference website for FIEC/CA London 2019 (15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019).

"Over the next few months it will be populated with details of the programme, cultural events and practical details.

We have just posted the names of our eight keynote speakers . More information will follow shortly, including details of conference fees and how to book.

Many thanks to all who submitted proposals. We had a fantastic response, so many in fact that it will take longer than anticipated for the Programme Committee to read them. We will respond to all by the end of October."
Professor Greg Woolf
Chair, National Committee FIEC/CA 2019

Tuesday, 25 September 2018


We would like to forward to you the following offer:

"Graduate School Scholarship Program

Advertisement of Two Scholarships for Doctoral Studies

in the „Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science“ Program

The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering two doctoral scholarships to research and complete a doctorate within the “Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science” program at the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS). We welcome applications from highly qualified graduates from the fields of Ancient Philosophy, Classics, or History of Ancient Science. Candidates must hold an outstanding Master's degree, or equivalent degree, in one of the aforementioned subjects or be very close to completion. The scholarships are available from October 2019 for three or four years (subject to a satisfactory annual progress review).

The call is open only to applicants

·         who are not German citizens

·         who have not resided in Germany continuously for longer than 12 months as of the application deadline

·         whose last final exam (M.A.) should have taken place no longer than 5 years and 9 months ago"
For more information, please follow this link.