Saturday, 23 September 2017


We would like to let you know that the PhD program of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel has announced a one-year scholarship starting on the 01.04.2018 (á CHF 30'000 per year; two tranches with evaluation).

The deadline for the submission of applications is 15.11.2017.

Please read the full announcement below:

"Your tasks:

The grant is intended to support a young graduate during the starting
phase of his/her PhD research project. It is expected that he/she will
develop his/her research project in that time for applying to the
Swiss National Science Foundation or other funding institutions at the
end of that year.

Your profile:

The scholarship is addressed to students who held a 1st class
MA‐degree either in Egyptology, Classical Archaeology, Ancient Near
Eastern Studies, Ancient History, Greek Philology, Latin Philology,
Comparative and Historic Linguistics or European Archaeology. It is
expected that the PhD student is highly motivated and will personally
be involved in the PhD program of the Department of Ancient
Civilizations at the University of Basel. Most welcomed are PhD
projects that can be linked to the research fields of the Department
of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel. The PhD student
has to choose from the date of admission to the doctoral program a
first or second supervisor from the Department of Ancient
Civilizations at the University of Basel.

Application / Contact:

Application deadline: 15.11.2017

The following documents should be sent by email to the coordinator of
the Doctoral Program of Basel Ancient Studies Mr. Hans-Hubertus Muench

1.     Letter of motivation

2.     CV

3.     MA-Diploma

4.     1-2 sample of text (max. 20 pages each, including at least 1
academic qualification text, like BA- or MA-thesis)

5.     Sketch for the dissertation project (max. 3 pages)

6.     Letter of reference

For further information, please contact the coordinator of the
Doctoral Program of Basel Ancient Studies Mr. Hans-Hubertus Muench

Applications can be submitted in German, in French or in English. The
enrolment at the University of Basel is mandatory."

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


We would like to announce to you the 8th International Colloquium organized by the Centro de Estudios Helénicos of the National University of La Plata, Argentina. The conference, entitled "Cartografías del yo en el mundo antiguo. Estrategias de su textualización" ("Cartographies of the Self in the Ancient World. Strategies of Its Textualization"), will be held from the 26th to the 29th of June 2018.

Please read the full announcement below:

"El Centro de Estudios Helénicos de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata está organizando su VIII Coloquio Internacional “Cartografías del yo en el mundo antiguo. Estrategias de su textualización”, a realizarse en la ciudad de La Plata los días 26, 27, 28 y 29 de junio de 2018.

El VIII Coloquio propone pensar y debatir las formas de expresión de la subjetividad y las estrategias de su textualización, a los fines de trazar un mapa que dé cuenta de los complejos territorios del yo en la Antigüedad Clásica. Las emergencias textuales del yo no se limitan a la escritura autobiográfica, sino que se extienden a todas las expresiones de la subjetividad, individual o colectiva, tanto en sus manifestaciones discursivas como materiales. Se trata de reflexionar acerca de la construcción del yo, su visibilidad u ocultamiento, en la épica, la lírica, el teatro, la historia, la oratoria, la filosofía, o las imágenes del arte. Aspectos constitutivos de los procesos de subjetivación, como las emociones, la imaginación, la identidad y la alteridad, el género, la memoria y el agenciamiento, entre otros, se proponen como tópicos de discusión en relación con el tema.

El Coloquio propondrá las tres modalidades tradicionales de participación:
1) plenarios y mesas redondas sobre temas de interés en diversas áreas de la cultura grecolatina, con la presencia de destacados especialistas de nuestro país y del exterior especialmente invitados;
2) comunicaciones libres. Los interesados en participar en las sesiones de comunicaciones libres deberán enviar por correo electrónico a un resumen de su ponencia de hasta 300 palabras antes del 30 de marzo de 2018, para su evaluación por parte del Comité Científico. Los alumnos que presenten ponencias deberán hacerlo con el aval de un profesor, cuyo nombre, cargo y dirección electrónica deberán figurar en el resumen;
3) cursos breves. Los interesados en dictar un curso breve deberán enviar para su evaluación, antes del 30 de marzo de 2018, propuesta del título y, en forma sintética, fundamentación, objetivos, temas a desarrollar en dos encuentros y bibliografía.

Las sesiones de comunicaciones libres y los cursos breves están abiertos a las propuestas de aquellos interesados en acercar las conclusiones de sus investigaciones. Las comunicaciones libres y los cursos breves podrán versar, entre otros, sobre los siguientes temas: lenguas clásicas, géneros literarios, retórica, épica, tragedia, comedia, lírica, filosofía antigua, estudios culturales, recepción clásica, especialmente en Iberoamérica, arqueología clásica, etc.

Los asistentes recibirán una certificación de su participación en el Coloquio. Quienes presenten comunicación o curso breve tendrán la certificación correspondiente. Los cursos breves específicos del Coloquio, que serán gratuitos, otorgarán una certificado de asistencia por 6 horas reloj.
Las ponencias presentadas se publicarán en CD y en línea, y las exposiciones de los profesores invitados en un volumen colectivo.

Esperamos puedan reunirse con nosotros en este nuevo encuentro.
Reciban un cordial saludo, Claudia Fernández, Juan Nápoli y Graciela Zecchin de Fasano

Se han cursado invitaciones a especialistas del exterior; hasta ahora han confirmado su participación:

André Malta Campos (Universidade de Sâo Paulo)
Bruno Currie (University of Oxford / Oriel College)
Patrick Finglass (The University of Nottingham) François Lissarrague (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, emérito) Marco Antonio Santamaría Álvarez (Universidad de Salamanca)
Emilio Suárez de la Torre (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Calle 51 entre 124 y 125
Edificio C, oficina 301
1925 Ensenada, ARGENTINA
Tel. (54) (221) 4230127 Interno 1136
E-mail: "

Sunday, 3 September 2017


Please take note of the following information published by the Asociación Mexicana de Estudios Clásicos: 

"We are glad to announce the 5º International Conference of Classical Studies in Mexico that is organized by the Centro de Estudios Clásicos at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas and the Colegio de Letras Clásicas at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. The event will be held in Mexico City from 4th to 8th September 2017, its purpose is to study the Greek and Roman cultures and their legacy within the Western civilization. Some of our AMEC members are taking part of this important event.
Five diferent colloquia are taking place in the international conference: Ancent Philosophy, Classical Theater, Classical Tradition, Law in the Ancient World and Translation theory and practice of Classical texts.
The photographic exhibition “Estatuaria y relieves de inspiración griega y romana. Imágenes de la colección del Museo Nacional de Arte” arranged by AMEC, Museo Nacional de Arte and the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas is one of the conference complementary activities. This exhibition will be shown in the near future in Athens, Greece.
All the information is available on the Conference website."

Saturday, 2 September 2017


We would like to introduce to you the new open access database "Travellers' Views", which has been launched by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation:

"Travelogues website was created within the broader project of Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation to promote Greek culture, and especially Greek literature, on a national and international level. This website aims to make known the graphic materials found in travel accounts of journeys to Greece and the eastern Mediterranean from the 15th century onwards, and thus contribute both to students' education and scientific research. An important part of the editions that constituted the data base of the website belongs to the Historical Library of the Foundation, currently under construction.
Travelogues will periodically be updated with material from major libraries in Greece, such as Gennadius Library and Benaki Museum Library. This material, already in process, spans the time from the 15th to the early 20th century. Of approximately 4500 images, 560 have already been incorporated in the website's collections. In the same sense, the bibliography shall be updated with the most recent research contributions. User feedback will be taken into consideration and the pertinent modifications will get reflected."

Friday, 1 September 2017


Please note that CGRN (Collection of Greek Ritual Norms) has been published on this website.

We would like to forward to you the respective introductory remarks by Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, Jan-Mathieu Carbon, and Saskia Peels:

"The collection contains 222 inscriptions belonging to the category of so-called “sacred laws”, for which we have preferred the designation “ritual norms” (on this subject, see the programmatic introductory article found here). The texts included in the collection thus far concern the themes of sacrifice and purification. Each inscription is presented in an up-to-date published edition (occasionally, a new edition is offered), with information about its context, essential bibliography, French and English translations, and a detailed commentary. All of the files have been encoded in TEI-XML Epidoc, are fully searchable, and may be used and downloaded in Open Access.

The project behind the development of the CGRN, financed by the Fonds pour la recherche scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS, Belgium) at University of Liège, is still ongoing. Updates to the website will be made on an annual basis. Additionally, a print-on-demand edition will soon become available on the website. The printing, sale and distribution of the work will be undertaken by Éditions De Boccard.

We are very interested in receiving your feedback about the CGRN at the following address:"