Monday, 27 January 2014

Happy New Year!

2014 started with an astonishing piece of news: the identification of a new Sapfo fragment, and a rather substantial fragment at that. You can read more about it here
Busto di Saffo
(Musei Capitolini)

The fragments will be published in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik by Dirk Obbink, general editor of the Oxyrynchus papyri.

Less unexpected is the arrival of the FIEC secretary general’s yearly report. This should have reached all member associations by now, either by mail or e-mail or both. If some association has not received the material, please contact the secretary general immediately! This probably means that he does not have correct information about e-mail and address for the association in question. Please send an e-mail to paul.schubert(at)

Important information: the annual membership fee is now due, € 110. Details on account nr etc is found in the information letter (if you have not received it, please contact Paul Schubert as stated above).

The general assembly meets in Bordeaux during the FIEC congress, on August 27th. Please report to Paul Schubert who is going to represent your association, no later than April 15th. If your association will not be represented, or represented by another association, please inform him about that as well!

During the assembly, new board members will be elected. If your association wants to propose a name, the proposal must be sent to the secretary general no later than June 1st. See the yearly report for further information.

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